There are various decisions to consider before purchasing a new appliance, such as price, brand, size and colour. However, energy efficiency is on the trend and it has become an important factor. Not only you will gain significant cost savings in the long run but it will also help reduce your carbon footprint.
As of 1st March 2021, the energy label rating system will use A to G rankings only instead of A+++ to D ratings as before. This new rating system applies to the following product groups:

Why Is This Change Happening?
Due to the development of more and more energy efficient products in the market which has resulted in making labels such as A++ and A+++ less obvious to the consumer, the EU energy label will enable consumers to distinguish clearly between the most energy efficient products.
What’s New?

- QR Code - Providing instant access to product information
- New Energy Classes - A simple A-G energy classification system
- Simpler Consumption Usage - An easier way to understand energy consumption measurements
Category Specific Labels
Fridges & Freezers

Half of domestic refrigeration appliances placed on the market in 2014 could claim one of the top two energy ratings (A++ or A+++).
How will the changes help?
- Fairer Rules - Which will be enforced through more realistic calculations.
- Energy Saving - 10TWh of electricity per year by 2030.
- Household Savings - European households will save an average of €100 in electricity over the lifetime of their new fridge or freezer.
Washing Machines & Washer Dryers

More than 55% of washing machines placed on the EU market are ranked A+++ on the label, hindering product differentiation.
How the changes will help?
- Fairer Rules - Will be enforced through more realistic calculations.
- Water Saving - 711 million m3 of water saved by 2030
- Energy Saving - 2.5 TWh of electricity savings per year by 2030.
- Household Savings - European households will avoid an average of €130 of electricity expenditure over the lifetime of their new washing machine.

More than 60% of dishwashers placed on the EU market ranked A+++ or A++ on the label, making it difficult to differentiate between products.
How will the changes help?
- Fairer Rules - Which will be enforced through more realistic calculations.
- Water Saving - 16 million m3 of water by 2030.
- Energy Saving - 2.1TWh of electricity per year by 2030.
- Household Savings - European households will save an average of €60 in electricity over the lifetime of their new dishwasher.